In happier times...

In happier times...
Thinkin of you

Monday, May 12, 2008

Camping without tents

What a lot of people don't know and obviously can't figure out is that servers only get a certain number of tables in a section. Usually 3-5 tables. Attending to these tables is the way he/she makes money. The more often a server can 'turn' the table, the more money he/she can make on that shift. Except when someone won't get up and turn the table. That's not to say you should stuff it down and high-tail it to your next gig, however consider the fact that the longer you take up that seat, the less money your sever will make on that table. We want you to be comfortable and relaxed but if your going to reduce our income by 'camping out' in our section, please consider tipping accordingly. If you plan on staying for twice as long as the ordinary lunch/dinner customer maybe you should tip twice as much. Chances the server will have to fill your water or coffee or whatever several times, none of which will increase the bill so much as a penny. Those that have reunions with friends you haven't seen in 20 years, or have that meeting with a client or colleague, staying for hours and then some and then leaving a tip that wouldn't pay for a gallon of gas is just plain inconsiderate, and not to mention cheap...
So, if your not going to pay for the time you spend with me, then don't spend so much time with me. Camping is for the boy scouts.

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